hmm.. so hw do u feel abt being single???..which way is better??
specially at a young age..
ok this is sumthin i though abt..
if u r single ur mind has less things to think abt..
and the load of stress u have to carry is less..
u will not have to think abt many thingss.. at least one big fat responsibility will be flown away..
and one vry important and big point u cn give more time for urself...
u cn have more time to think abt ur good.. and studiess...
and also u get a lotta more time to think abt ur family... spend time with them..
dhen if u arent single u will face gud stuph as well as difficulties..
one thing is.... u will be happy to knoa tht u have sumone who thinks abt u..
ekamu tht is only if its the right person..
and one difficulty is tht u will have to think abt sumone else.. in ur young age...
too many things to think abt is not gud for health..
thinkin abt ur studies.. ur family... specially wen u hve family probs..
and urself.. frnds... and again sumone important included to the list means more trouble..
always remember u have priorities in life... dunt leave a priority juss for the sake of an option..
ekahala kameh vejjeyaa u may have to suffer a lott..
dhen anekkaa ves lets go to the topic..
if u r single...
meehun dhakkaa faadu faadu ge vaahaka thah ves madhu vaane..
and if u r in the right relationshipp..
u knoa u have sumone who u cud share all ur feelings with..
sumone with whom u cud cry and laugh..
and if ur single u have cn share all those feelins with sumone close to u like ur mom..
which will be better thn sharing everythin with a total stranger...
this was wat i thought at the moment...
it was on the spot thinkin..
nowi need ideas from u guys..
wat do u think..
nd mostly think abt relationships at a young age...
dhen hope i get ur suggestions...
me gtg right now...
buh bye cya tc
and dhiumuge kurin thnx to xef for the idea.. =D
buh bye gn
~~hugxx and kisses~~