
the first weeek was of cox AWESOME!!
but now as days are goin by...
its gettin pretty much boring...
my desires are uncountable...
the things i got to think about are so much...
tht it is turning my brain into a kaleidoscope..
keeping all my thoughts aside...
this sudden urge to eat lasagna is killin me...
craziness much eh??
well watever it is....
im craving for all sorts of food these days..
top of the list with Lasagna of cox...
and then Coke.. cotton candyyy.. *kulhu dhiyaa vejje*
and after i saw this pic... i want lollipop tooo....
tht remminds me...
i had this green kulaige lollipop latelyy annnndddd it was super duper yummy..
ohhh i want it i want it..
well mommy says too much of holidays is gonna make me fat..
but how???
i only crave for food.. its not tht i get em... or eat em...
i just crave.... thts all..
annnnddd now... i cannot wait to watch twilight saga: the new moon...
annndd annnnddd..
im waiting for the next episode of gossip girl....
i luv the fat kid in the animated cartoon 'UP'
hes become my latest huge crush...
yess u shud watch it... its FUN..
and i have fallen in luv with tht picture...
annnddd finally... time to say buh byee...
but before tht..
beware of swine flu..
[pic by: AnaKkid, deviantart]
mwah mwah
~~hugxx and kisses~~