Tuesday, December 18, 2007

{{эіđ мцßлялк}}

hey hey hey ppl!!
its beena longyyy timyyy since i havent updated dho???
i knoa i knoa.
but the reason is these days ive been tooo laxy for tht.(not like me huh?)
*eye roll*
and btw i am posting this to wish all of u EID MUBARIK.
and yah not to forget enjoy ur holidays...
and guess wat guys.. thexe holidays ive been so bored.
but not anymore.
cox maadhan noon aneh dhuvas im gonna go to male'.
lucky me.
atleast i sont have to b stuck in this place.
and also enmen is deciding to go to some island next weekend.
thtll b totally Oh yeah!!
and btw i think now ill have to go!!
bye for now.
have fun guys..
ill still try to update some more.
buh bye
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. anjelica said...

    Eid mubarak Lily....
    borin eid for me im stuck at home with my dad n grandpa.. everyone xcept me in my family is havin fun.. they all went to an island... UNLUCKY me... i cudnt get chuttee even..urrrgh.... btw hav fun n tc

  2. lilly said...

    thnx anjel! and yah its booring for me too. stuck at home. duhhhh its soo booring.
    but mihaaru dhen majaa vaane hen heeevanee male' dhevuneema.. i hope so. and best of luck to u tooo... mwaah hehe

  3. DhiKing said...

    eid mubarik

  4. lilly said...

    sam to u dhiking!! EID MUBARIK to u too!!

  5. Muuthi said...

    Aiiii...U are in male when ...people are killing one another fro a hobby or something :P

  6. lilly said...

    yh dho muuthi!!!! hehe..and its soo rainy tht all our plans are getting flop. shooo shadddd... :(
    keeh kuraanee dhen.. i jst wish if this rain will stop. vissaara ali kuraanama kon fadha eh. insha allah. hehe. and yh muuthi plx visit ingey migeah thihen ulhemun..