Saturday, February 9, 2008

{{ио мояє снапсэ ſоя џ}}

me and you???
never gonna be together again...
dont eva come to me again..
cox ur not gonna get another chnce.
i dun wanna waste myself on u.
cox i wanna forget u.
i wann get u ouuta ma mind.
hmm and hopefully ill succeed this time.
im not gonna give up soo easily..
and all the best and gud luck for ur life.
actually m running outta titles.
giv me an idea guys!!!!
im juss donnowat to write abt these days...
and always a thousand apologies for my faruvaakudanas,
cox ehaa gavaidhun post eh ves nukurevey..
shoo shaaadddd..
ekamu im still trying my best to post as regularly as possible.
and i wish u guys give me ideas abt the titles.
plxxx guys i nyd ur help in this..
buh bye for the time being.
gn cya tc
~~hugxx and kisses~~