Sunday, April 20, 2008

{{α сίиđεязЇЇα ѕтояγ}}

she was trapped in the wicked and cruel hands of an evil....
hre love was hidden...
where is her love??
this is the question inside her at all times...
she meets her love in the ball..
time runs..... tick tock....
she had to go away from her love...
unwantedly... but she is forced....
wat happens in the story??
she misses one of her sandals on the staircase???
and the same prince starts to find her???
but this time its different..
she heads away form the prince and tan tadaaa....
she meets sumone else.....
not a luv at first sight guy this time...
but different..
she cud see the love for her in his eyes...
this time its like...
she really did miss the sandal..
but this right guy who is not the prince brought it back..
got her sandal back..
and also with this she got her faded smile and happiness into a bright smile and happiness..
buh bye tc cya..
mwahx gn
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. Anonymous said...


  2. Anonymous said...

    interesting twist in the story :P

  3. Summer said...

    hmm another version! ^_^

  4. Anonymous said...

    hey cool version of cinderella story. ;P