Saturday, December 20, 2008


wel.. last night and tuday i missed the maadhiry peepzz a lott..
like v were one happy family for the month and now all over..

dhen ekamu these two nights wen over to muuthi ge place..
and had fuuurrrnnn there..
reyga me and muuthi went to food palace for pixxa...
and it was like yum yum yummyyy..
and we had fun there...

and then went to muuhi ge place..
and had a photo session..
and took this pic u are seeing above..
and a lot more pics..

and tunighhtt..
again went to muuthi men place..
and watched sum kwl majaa stuph..
ate sum sausages with melted cheese..
and again they were all yum yum yummyyyy..
and dhen kaigen avaha aee geah..
and had a gud time chtin..
and now im bloggin..

(PS. thts muuthi ge room ge muuthi ge shelf ga hunna beloved teddy bears...)

and now i gtg..
mwahx taataa ciao
cya all tgc ummiiieeesss
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. Muuthish said...

    My study table ga huhna shelf than kolhu which u love sooo much ..filled with my kudhi kudhi soft toys annnd my red girl is trying to copy u and me <3 annnd my pink wall ^_^

  2. Muuthish said...

    I miss my white teddy bring him back >_>

  3. Muuthish said...

    annnnd pizza , sausages ,cheese are awesome <3 <3 like us ^_^

  4. Muuthish said...

    I think i love this post :P

  5. lilly said...

    hehe... keke muuthishuuu..
    i knew ull like itt..
    and i luuurrvee ur teddy bears and ur room and ur house and U..
    well its juss fun to hang out ur place unlike mine.. where eneryone seems so serious dho..
    well if it was onli me and mom.. it wud have been a lot more better...
    even wen u cum over.. keke..
    STLL I LOVE U.. =P

  6. .mini said...

    i wish i had a cupboard to keep my soft toys

  7. lilly said...

    hehe.. yah me too mini..
    lucky lucky muuthi... dhow dhow...
    hehe cheers..

  8. swyt butterfly said...

    ohhh!! u had a lott of funnn...
    her teddy bears are lovelyy..

  9. ¢ u т є я ι ѕ α said...

    yeah those teady bears are soo cute i wish i have them hehe lolz hey lilly now i know who you best frnd is she is muuthi hey muuthi you blog is very cute..... hope you guys like my blog

  10. ¢ u т є я ι ѕ α said...

    muuthi u shuld love this post

  11. Muuthish said...

    Hehe thankew XD annnd i will visit ingey XD