
sooo.. im taggeeddd.. hehe..
muuthi tagged me.. yah i knoa its been sumtime since she has tagged me..
but still..
wen im here.. ill juss update..
here goes..
1. i love COKE..
2. i love marshmallows
3. i love colours
4. i love my friends... (muuthi n nathu specially)
5. i love the special star..
6. sumtimes i hate being alone.. and sumtimes all i want to be is alone..
7. luv shopping.. and luv eating from different places..
8. i can get obsessed with songs that i have once listend.. and hear after a long time..
9.i love my blog
10. right now.... wat im realli sad abt is tht my phne is broken..
11. sumthing im realli happi abt right now is tht dhonbe gave me a camera.. yesss!! he loves me tht muchh.. x] x]
12. i am a dreamer..
13. i get stressed easily.. specially these days..
14. this year has been one year full of illness..
15. i m NOT scared of needles...
16. i hate yh i mean it i HATE lizardss...
17. i hate it wen people argue too much in my presence...
18. sometimes i love to laugh so much tht my tummy hurtss..
19. wen i return from scul.... i have this kinda high temper... cox of which i get mad at ppl easily..
20.. well.. im not much of a person with anger at all times.... i love being with frnds.. and luv to smile and make others smile...
i tag cikaa, xeekko, silent smurfs and aphur..
soo tht was 20 facts about me..
enuff for tunight..
soo m off..
g nite..
~~hugxx and kisses~~