bck bck and bck

ok sooo.. here is an updateeee.. TANTADAA..
guys i amm backkk..
ok soo the reason y ive been away from blogging is..
i was suffering from CHICKEN POX....
didnt go to scul the first two weeks of second term..
was stuck at home.. and worsee..
was stuck in my room..
cudnt get out.. no comp in de room...
boring boring boring..
nw tht im bckkk...
and im all better...
i still dunt feel gud...
i feel all different..
sumtimess its not tht baddd...
but sumtimes i feel like its a whole new me...
maybe it juss happens cox ive been alone in the room for so long...
or maybe cox of the upcoming exams for which i ve got to work my ass off..
well yah..
the pre-mock thingy strats next week wednesday..
mock on august feshey kolhu..
and the final exam october ga...
andddd i wuuuddd bee finally free for sumtime most prolly on novemeber.. *phew*
well... dhen will think abt the future later.. got to think abt these examss more these dayss..
annnddd im quiet bz latelyyyy cox of the scul eventss...
*stupid scul ppl just had no activities first term and does everything this termm... foookolhuga roaveema hurihaa kameh kuraanee* juss hate it....
and yesss.. as muuthi has chnged sculs. i miss her a lottt.. yap we rarely meet.. *darn it*... its sady sad.. and cnt visit tht often cox of my busy-ness with scul stuph...
dhen nywass will ge more involved with other things wen i get the study stress outta me.. hehe
soo will try to update u more often...
nd for now..
m offf..
kutx ciao
~~hugxx and kisses~~
hey lilly, hope you're feeling okay now! sorry about school... and muuthi! she is an awesome friend, so it must have been hard, eh?
p.s. me updated finally
hehe u feel different becoz u r born to a new janam dhin..keke...
Aww, I still remember when I ahd chicken pox.. felt like I was living in a different world.. Welcome back, and yeah, I was surprised to hear Muuthi going to Hiriya! Goood luck with exams, and welcome to the new you! =P
@ xeek: yah m feeling ok.. chick pox is gone.. forever nd ever insha allah... yahhh miss her loadsyy loadss..
@ xef: o yah.. i get it... dhoosri janam dhoo =p =p haha... haha.. ekamu haadha madu maithiri aali ekey this time.. haha
@ shaha: yahhh!! its juss like a new worldd.. thnkx abt the examss.. and yah im happi for her tht she changed... seriously it wud be much better....
muuthi changed school? where is she now?
oh and well..u got more time to think :P
i mean being stuck all alone in the room..gives you time to think and figure out stuff uve never figured out before..did it happen? ^.^
Yeah! you are a totally new you =D
we all can see that xP oh and thanks for missing me? xP
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