Sunday, August 30, 2009

exam again!!

exam time again!!
and im out of sleepiness!!
maadhan othy ISLAM!!
studied alot as usual..
ekamu dunt wanna say anything abt it..
cox i have no idea abt islam anymore.. seriously!!
i dunno wats wrong with me wen it cumx to islam...
damn damn damn...

oh well yeah!!
unlike other times this time i dont feel like im duing sumthing important,,
ekamu as it is islam i have sum itsy bitsy butterflies..!!
hehe.. well ekamu anywayss..
as long as i have ppl beside me.. (in the exam hall)
i have no worries cox ill smile each time i think of it.. *wink*

dhen nyways.. now very very late..
i go go off.. away from compp..!!
soo nitezz..
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. .mini said...

    best of luck for all your exams!
    you'll do great! don't worry! :D

  2. CuTie CheeekZ said...

    Good luck in ur exams
    i m zure u will do really good in ur class

  3. AR Hussain said...
