
past crush cum into ur way in love life??
wel hmm hmm...
quiet frustrating..
buttt... happens.
onli if u have feelings towards the crush..
or maybe becox.
he/she was once a crush..
or maybe i dunno...
of cox this situation is a very annoying one.
i no no like to talk abt it anymore...
soo kutxx
and gudluck to the pl whu havnt figured out anything..
cya tc.. kutx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
keke. People from the past comes into your mind when you see your reflection. You see, these people are one of the many reasons why 'you' are the 'you' we all know today. Dont worry. Time can heal wounds. But scars, they are to remind you who you once were...
Good luck getting out of the mess. Only you can do it. Dive into the heart...
I wonder that's how life is.. good luck though.. think a lot before you make the decision!
PS. this is not abt me..
thnks anyways both of u.. =] =]
SZ: i know who u r and what exactly u r talkin....and who the hell u r to figure out someone else life?? o past..o present..o future
and she is she becoz she is she...not anyones reflection...she dont have to b a reflection to be what she is today..
dude i request you to add me and figure out my sure b4 u do it i can figure out urs...
:) cheeers
who am i? now, i am nothing more than just a stranger...
a mere nobody who wishes her all the luck in the world...
she... was no reflection... she will never be one... she was bestowed with her own originality...
you... did not... understand me...
cheers pal, no harm or pun intended...
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