Saturday, September 29, 2007

~~s0rRy gUyZzz~~

hey guys! im sorry i was away from blogging theze dayxx. it was because of no other reason than me not feeling well and being in the hospital. it wasss booooooring there but i had quite a lot of visitors there. it was cool but still the hospital is BOOOORRIINNGGG. any ways ill try to keep on blogging again. guess what! these dayx i kept on fainting like nothing.i fainted twice. keke!!

bye guyxx

~~hugzz and kisses~~


  1. Anonymous said...

    awww aali... good to hear that youre feeling better... you are arent you... i totally hate hospitals... :/ its one of the places i simply hate the most... maybe its the place i hate the most... hehe... hope you get much better sooon... :D

  2. Anonymous said...

    nash! i really an feeling gud noww!! thnx ingey! mwah.