SMOKING dho!! i HATE it.. eii dhen kihaa hadi kameh dho?kurukoh fonikoh bunanyaa it is a total life ruiner. mee meehaage mulhi carrerekkoh halaaku kohlaa kameh. it will drag u closer to drugs and it will also lead u todifferent disease like blood cancer, lung cancer and different heart diseases. i hate smoking and i hate smokerzz!!
so guyzz, just be aware of smoking ingey. its real bad habit! i hope u guyzz will take my advice.
~~hugzz and kisses~~
You got it LILLY! all hail non smokers! i hate smoking as well! totally feels like am suffocating when people are smoking... what do they get from it anyway... its not like it tastes too good or anything does it... but i think that most guys smoke when theyre depressed... like some drink as well dhoa... but still... smoking sucks... doh!
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