{{ѕтояу єн}}

i have been thinkin abt the past few years of my life..
i juss remembered how i met this great frnd of mine..
this is how it went.. i chnged my life to hulhumale on a 11th of june 2004 which was a friday..
the next saturday and sunday were both ma days of fun and gettin ready for the new scul..
i use to get out to the balcony and see ppl from the next balcony.. but all were quiet unknown..
the next day which was a monday and also my very first day at fareedhiyya scul..
unfortunately hendhunu iru eri iru boa koh vaarey vehey..
still got ready for scul..
the scul is really near to our place..
juss abt 5 blocks away..
dhen konme akas.. it was the beginning of hulhumale'.....
which means not much vehicles.. and not much taxi's..
i was waiting in the balcony for the rain to thuni kohlaningxx..
as it was windyyy i cudnt take the umbrella either..
and while the unpatient wait in the balcony...
out of nowhere i heard sumone say hi..
the voice came from the next balcony.... i lukd and saw this gurll smiling.. i smiled bck..
and the innocent luking gurl (ey dhen foni nuvaathi ingey) .... she offered me to go to scul together with her mom in the hospital ge van....
and i did agree cox it was a rainy day..
but... bfore leavin home the rain totally stopped.
sooo i went to scul as planned with ma mom..
after sum days.. v started to usually meet in the balcony.. actually shes the on started all these talks.. as her brada.. ( muthu) was ma clssmate.. i dunno wat the real reason to be tht frndly so suddenly was..
hehe.. dhen konme akas this sudden frndship started to grow.. we started to talk more in the balcony.. chit chatted soo much and ended up being best frnds..
and this frndship got so strong tht we are facing everything together.. and insha allah we will be facing everything together..
now this frndship is soo strong tht we cnt totally live without knowing each other ge haalu.. =] hehe dho??
i hope this frndship will last forever. and we will be facing all the battles and hopefully we will succeed.
thnx a lot for being a great frnd muuthi.....
mwahx luurve ya..
an advice for everybody is...
face everything in life...
ull have to face ups and downs..
be patient cox
andi gandakah fahu usgandeh ves annaane..
... soo konme kamakaa ves kerigen kurimathi laathi...
enmenah ves bright future akah edhen...
dhen anyways buh bye for now..
quite late dho..
soo gn tc mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~