
tagged again.....
ive been tagged by anjelica and dhiboy..
here goes nothing..
1. whats ur latest addiction? ummmm.... islam text foiy =P
2. what are u listening to? haan thu hain from jannat..
3. how late did u stay up last night and y? i stayed up for 5am. i was filaavalhu dhas kuraningxx..
4. who were u with last friday night? i dunt remember well.. guess i was home.
5. do you think u will be in a relationship 3 months from now? nooope.. ^_^
6. when is the next time ull see ur closest frnds? tomorrow morning.
7. what were u doing this morning at 7am? avahaarafulhu lahppavaningxx..
8. what radio stations do u listen to the most? v madhun adu ahanee radio.. ekamu mostly it is dhifm and raajje fm.
9. what was the reason u last cried? shhhhhhhhhhhh... (not because of any guy)
10. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? i guess yah...
11. What’s the fifth text in your inbox say? please call me back.. =P
12. Where was the last coffee shop u went to? dunt remember well.. v nudhan coffy ah..
13. What’s ur outfit right now? purple top and a black bell.
16. What were you doing at 11pm last night? umm.. watching tv..
17. Who was the last person you talked to last night before bed? mom.
18. Will you be driving in a year? haha.. noope..
19. Is there anything that you are craving right now? vaki kameh neynge dhen bunaakah..
20. When did your last hug take place? maybe two days back... i hugged ma mummy.. ^_^
22. Have you ever started a sentence with “No offense, but…”? i dont actually remember..
23. Do you drink tea? noope..
24. Have you ever been arrested? nooope
25. Have you rode in someone else’s car today? nah.
26. Have you made a mistake this past week? i guess i wud have...
27. Who was the last person you texted? one kwl frnd of mine..
28. Are you happy with your life right now? umm yah.. i guess i am.
29. In the past 72 hours have you been under the influence of sleep? ummmm......
30. What’s the connection between you and the last person you texted? my frnd...
i tag: xefrox and cute kat
enmeneyyyy.. wish me luckk... maadhan exam starting... dhivehi first.. hope it goes well.....
dhen buh bye for now...
cya tc mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
good luck lilly hope you do ur level best =]
thnx a lot dhiboy... ^_^
gudluck princessss..kekeke...thanks 4 tagging mee....cheeers
thankioooooo purincyy.. and ur always welcome =P
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