{{нαррі đαγѕ}}

these two days was happi.. and fuurrnn and also boring..
soo heres how it went..
firt on monday night... went to muuthi's place and did sum cwaazyyy stuph..
had lotsss and lotss of coke..
which charged me soo much...
wrote notes for each other and had loadxx of fun...
and after cumin bck home started to cht.. it was fuuurrrnnn too..
and got my lovely and memorable days back =]
enjoyed myself a lott..
dhen on tuesdayyy... day time first was damn booooooorinnnnnnnnngggggggg...
and haveeru went to muuthi's place again and
had more coke
and watched nanny mcphee.. which was awesome..
and dhen came bck home.
and went out for dinner with everyone at home..
and came bckk..
and now im sittin near the comp...
trying to post sumthingg.
and tan tadaa im done with it..
soo bye for now..
gn tc mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
u love my place more than urs !! *makes u nod* haha :] love ya =]
hahaha. i seriously doo... =D
x] x] love ya <3<3
execuse me your blog so cute wold u mind to come my blog at
and am so happy if u join
any way
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