scul.. scul..

ok.. scul again...
before wen scul is abt to reopen i always feel so damn excited and dhaa hithun gos kurybaiga dhabahah foithah alhaa and stuph..
but this timee...
its different..
dunt even feel like goin to scul..
feel all bored scul ey bunyas..
dhen neynge..
i knoa it ain't a gud way..
i feel this way most prolly cox it has been a bigg holiday...
and i have been all so different this holiday..
dhen neynge neynge
hope everythin wud be bck to normal as soon as scul reopens.
now i be gone..
hope i have fun in scul..
all i knoa is fun nuviyas hama gaimuves its gonna be a bx week..
cox we have the visitors from japan and stuph..
anndd.. ill get to miss some classes on tuesday...
dhen nyways..
me gone for now..
maadhan scul..
gotta get ready..
and get onto bed early..
in order to nidhi hama kuraningxx..
soo kutx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
good luck n have fun at school :P
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