{{rainyyy dayzzz}}

peek a booo...*tehe*
here i cum bck wid the rain.. =] =]
raining season is bck again...
and its fun fun fuuunnnn....
and cold tooo....
with loads of thundering and lightening while in class..
well lately there havent been many new things goin on in life.
but still there are sum lil lil things which happened..
juss lately saw the nagooralhi thingy.. [i dunno whether its a tornado O hurricane.. =p =p]
ok.. we were in class and sumone shouted nagooroalhi eko...
and wen i lukd outta the window..
tantadaaa.. gosh i saw two of em..
well.. it was the first time in my life tht i saw sumthing like tht..
ehenve first hama waz amazed hehe..
dhen nagooroalhi kanthah obijje.
after a loooonnnnggg time i got to themeningx in the vaarey tuday..
scul nimmaalaafa geah annan vegen nikui gadi ah it started to rain heavily..
very very heavily with loud thindering..
ekamuves.. as v had xtra juss and hour after tht.. we decided to cum home instead of staying in scul.. soooo geah aissa chnged and on the way to scul again..
i ate a chocolateee.... =] =]
well im really glad abt tht..
dhen dhen dhennnn..
very bx these days in scul...
ehenveema maa oftenly update nukurevenee..
i apologize for tht..
dhen bye for now..
cya tc..
~~hugxx and kisses~~
haha kobaa pizzaa vaahaka..hehe...
blog p nukoh kiyeviyas ok inge:P
and b careful wit rain
aridhafusssss jehidhaane...ms sensitive :P
hehe.. pizza vaahaka dho.. forgot to include.. dhen xef ah inge ennu so ok vaane..
and yah update nukurevenee ves ekamaa hedhi ey aslu..
annndddd me?? sensitive??
still.. all the furrrnn viyya..
its hulumale'.. soo rain veema no other choice than themeningxx... cox umbrellaa will fly away.. hehe..
so tha nagoorolhi thngy was real dho wish i saw it......i didnt belive cause the persone whu told me was a lier nw i belive and its very cool tho these dayss wish i can go out in the rain.....
wooowwww!!!!:P u saw a nagooroalhi......haadha molhu kamekey dhww!!!:P:P:P hehe
hws ya??
and my new blog http://ahko-akko.blogspot.com
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