Saturday, September 22, 2007

~~Ch3ls3y aNg3L g3 KwL suRpr!s3~~

As it was chelsey-angel's b day yesterday v had a lot of fun!! AS she was one of my bestest frnds v had, v decided to have fun and give her a little surprise. SOO v made a cake and went to her place at abt 9.30 at night and SURPRISE!! she really was surprised. hehe!! and we had lots of fun. v ate the cake and model kohleemey varakah. varah majaa!! hehhe..

sooo i wish my CUTE CUTE best friend a very happy day.

(mee chelsey-angel ah lilly and muuthi and teen gurl kohdhin hard work!)

bye guys

~~hugzz and kisses~~


  1. Anonymous Me said...

    woow aali and muuthi n teen gurl.varah salhi ingey aali e cake.i wish i had one cake like tht. heheh

  2. Anonymous said...

    whoa! this cake totally loooks deeelicious! MMM!!! nice work!