Tuesday, November 10, 2009


here i am ppl....
after the examzz...
wid no more exam fears in ghaazee... muwahahahaha
welll... tunight was the graduation nite...
it was fun.. wid many happy moments...
ekamu it was touchin and dheraves vi...
of cox leaving school after five years wud surely be emotional...

never know wen im gonna meet the ppl again...
specially cox im gonna shift to male' insha allah this december..
which wud be another huge step to be taken in life.
well anyways.. in the above pic is my certificate... which i got tunight.
and the sash thingyy...
i was unable to get better and more pics cox i didnt have the camera tunite...

well nywayss...
got many wishes from different ppl..
i hope for the besttt abt the examss...

nyways.. its late now.
sooo m offf...
cya tc buh bye
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. S said...

    I guess everyone will eventually close one "photo album" and start a new one...