netball kanthah dho..
after so many years....
mifaharu aharemenge faharu dho hama..
yeshhh our house won...
kwl huh..
v try a lot every year..
but always stuck up at the runner ups place...
but this time we r the championsss...
dhen our house ge participants got a lotta awards too...
congrats to alll..
tht includes me too =P
one more thing...
chongrats to everyone of purple house.. too
cox u ppl got first from under 15...
mission accomplished dho ppl?? =D
dhen nywaysss....
before i say gn to all of u..
i will leave a question which i cudnt find out even with the help of a lotta ppl..
wat is the use of the scroll lock button on the keyboard??
wat does it doo??
ok.. i nyd ur suggestionss..
v are gettin quiet curious abt this...
nyways bye for now...
real tired.. extremelyy...
gn cya
~~hugxx and kisses~~
lol..now that u have asked asluvess wat does that scroll lock thingy do =S...i think its suppose to lock the scroll kekekkeke...is you house blue???
Yayy..congra to u and congra to us..
Purple and Orange house rock ^_^
*btw..we should celebrate together*..
OMG..i dont even bother to think abt the scroll lock button..and now u ask abt it..and its got me wondering tooo o.o...
P.S i think am falling in love with that pic ^_^
Scroll Lock is a toggle key that changes the effect of the cursor movement keys. In most current programs the Scroll Lock key is disabled and pressing it has no effect. In programs that support this key, when the Scroll Lock key is on, pressing the arrow keys makes the display appear to scroll while the cursor stays in its original position. When the Scroll Lock key is off, the cursor moves as far as it can before the display starts scrolling.
someones done a whole research on scroll lock button =P
aelfric.... ts orangeee... my lovely lovely house...
muuthi: hehe... cngra t u too.... celebrate ves kuran vaane dho?? =D
anony: thnxxx a lott.. but plx tell me programs like wat??? O_o
i cudnt recognixe or find any program in which the scroll lock works..
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