Saturday, July 12, 2008

{{v Іоαьі vєч}}

i love u..
i dunno wen and how i fell into u...
all i knoa is i am into u so much that it will be really hard for me to forget u..
now i have fallen so deeply in ur love tht i cnt live without u..
ur love is so strong tht anyone could madly be trapped in it..
i will neva let u go..
and always remember that i cant live without u anymore..
i treasure each and every moment which i spent with u..
and even one moment away from u seems like a whole painful lifetime which is very hard for me to survive..
i dont eva wanna leave u alone...
i dont wanna lose u..
my life is incomplete without u..
u r the one who makes me smile at all times..
u always keep me happy and glad...
its very hard for me to express the feelings of my heart in words.
u r the one who brought my happy smile back to me wen it got lost sumwhere...
ive neva been this happy in my whole life..
after i met u i neva had to cry b cox of anything u did..
cox u take all my tears away...
thnx for being such a loving, caring, and fantastic guy...
luv u always
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. AXE said...

    its very nice and it shows how much you love ur boyfriend. its great keephim in ur hand never let him go dho ehen nunee u will be sad

  2. Anonymous said...

    hehe..yah ill try my best neva to leave him.. as i said in it i cnt live without him..

  3. Irufan said...

    yes..nice indeed...but i always wanna ask this question but think it may be too offensive but here goes anyways..why do ppl say they love each other; cant live without each other and yet when they break apart and they move on..i thawt they cudnt live without each other yet they do so live...and sometimes end up being worst of enemies?

    d*** its hard to explain...but can yuh get me an answer on this...