{{đяєαм Іαиđ}}

hmmmm.. sooo im bckkkkk afta a loooooooooong timee...
not realli.. ekamu quiet a lotta days..
dhen ny ways..
i dunno wat kept me away from blogging..
i did visit mees meehunge blogs and even commented baeh haalaiy thakuga.. but still i juss cudnt post sumthing on mine..
nywayss these hols are booringg...
i juss watch abt two movies a dayy.. online koh balanee..
and mom keeps shouting tht thihiry mihaaru avalaafa O and stuph.. hehe
ekamuves dhen foohi vanyaa keeh kuraanee dho..
and yah these holidays im gettin a strange thingy.. nidhijjeyaa thedhuvan undhagoovefa..
thedhuvejjeyaa nidhan undhagoo vanee..
and i do get strange and weird and fun and eki kahala kahala dreamsss..
sumtimes i get soo scared wen i wake up..
and sumtimes i feel soo cheery and all happy go lucky..
and sumtimes i am soo confioooooooosed wen i wake up..
its juss wat the dreams make me..
sumtimes i get soo mad wen ppl wake me up wen im in a very majaa and all enjoyable dream.. hehe.
i fyl like slepping again and gettin back into the dream again.. =P
ekamu anekkaa nidhiyas dream wud be faded away.. bye bye dream..
dhen ny ways iyyega went to muuthi men place..
had a bit of chit chat..
and muuthi mom was soo nice and gave us all CORNETTOS..
dhen thnx to muthu for goin and buying them..
and thnx to muuthi ge mom a LOTXX..
luurve ya.. XD
dhen nyways buh bye for now.
anekkaa ves im gonna go drift away with my dreams..
its late and night viyyaa.
soo buh bye tc cya all
~~hugxx and kisses~~
Mommy says velcum =]
and and aaliii remember the story in the CQ!! haha *laughs laughs ..suddenly gets quite and all scared*
haha... hehe.. adhives goslaanan ingey thigeah mihen ulhelaafa..
me too me too :P
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