{{нурєя иотєѕ}}
... those notes u see in the pic are all hyper notes.. *thts wat we call it*
they were all lovely.. cute.. nice.. funny and mihen kiyaakah ney sweet ves.. hehe
soo dhen as i had the camera v took the pic and i thot of posting this here.. and sharing it with u..
mee evaguthu athu alhuvaalevunu notes thah..
and here is one very special and lovely note which i will share with u..
lilly akee boakibaleh, lilly akee fatheh, lilly akee marshmallow eh, lilly akee hotdog bun eh, lilly akee isthirieh, lilly akee surfboard eh, lilly akee pencil eh, lilly akee teddybear eh, lilly akee cheese kolheh, lilly akee gondieh, lilly akee rasheh, lilly akee mamma eh, lilly akee gurl eh, lilly akee fwend eh, lilly akee mas rohteh, lilly akee bird eh, lilly akee anheneh, lilly akee icecube eh, lilly akee sandwich eh, lilly akee boy eh, lilly akee meehehge dharieh, lilly akee paper eh, lilly akee mas mirus packet eh, lilly akee jinni eh, lilly akee maleh, lilly akee letter eh, lilly akee dhabaheh, lilly akee chatlog eh, lilly akee nunimey vaahaka eh, lilly akee cloud eh. lilly akee pixxa eh, lilly akee coke dhalheh, lilly akee coke fulhi eh, lilly akee duck eh, lilly akee fotheh, lilly akee ummwaah eh, lilly akee lava eh. lilly akee tharieh, lilly akee laari eh, lilly akee ruffiyaa eh, lilly akee hotdog eh, lilly akee cupcake eh, lilly akee cocolate eh, lilly akee chocolateball eh, lilly akee chocolate fihaara eh, lilly akee triangle cake eh, lilly akee 'L' eh, lilly akee chocolate cake eh, lilly akee kirudhalheh, lilly akee ice cream soda dhalheh, lilly akee note fotheh, lilly akee moon eh, lilly akee piggy bank eh, lilly akee bed eh, lilly akee mirror eh, lilly akee sherodhatha eh, lilly akee lilly eh, lilly akee aaliya mohamed eh, lilly akee yellow kula eh, lilly akee perfume bottle eh, lilly akee scent fulhi eh, lilly akee 'I' eh, lilly akee ',' (coma) eh, lilly akee flower eh, lilly akee ireh, lilly akee rubber eh, lilly akee fan suru jahaa dhahcheh, lilly akee the best gurl eh!!!!!!!!
(btw.. sherodhatha is my mom... hehe..)
this was the note.. read and llarf.. hehe.
and then ull knoa v are crazyyy..
nyways muuthi.. thnx a lot for the crazyy notes.. i luuurved them.. hehe
ok me gtg right now.. buh bye
~~hugxx and kisses~~
lilly aky computer monitor eh, lilly aky mouse eh, lilly aky coke thateh ge eh bai eh, lilly aky coke thateh,lilly aky muthu varah loabi vaa kujjeh[=p], lilly aky princezz aali eh, lilly aky bloger eh, dhn lilly aky bai varu ehchehi eh
Im now confused what actually "Lilly" is...
Anyways, That was a cutie note... U've got great friends...
And Even She Is A Great Friend
muthu akee lilly ge lobuvethi brother eh.. haha..
hehe.. dho shaha.. yah.. im glad to have great frnds.. hehe
thnx azlea...
ur welcum always!! :p lilly:P
im ur brother???????????????????
nd all these dayz i'v byn thinkin i waz ur boifurend =p
hehhehe oh really... i thougth thah aali does not hav a bf nw Ploo.....
muthuuuu.. hehe..
oh shit.. mihaaru confioosed.. wether to call u bf.. O thuthon.. hha
dhen nyways.. ur both. hehe
brothr ei enmen ge loa mahchah dhahkaa laa fusgandeh dhw :p
missin ya
ey azlea alvin
dhn anehkaa kae mithaanga bunaanyy ky noon kae thy blogger.com ge admin ey
mihaaru ves varah gina than thanuga admin ah veganefymehnu dhw
ey !!! thuhtonbe faharee eh nagaifa ashko kairi nuves bunameh nuh:P
lol ahkoo.. muwahahahaha..
lilllllly i begg u plz accept the waaaahhhhhhhh i m sooooooo sad plzz accept my invitation frm livemmseneger i have added u i m punk_risa@hotmail.com plzz addher lillly tell a time u get online lilllllllly
gaawwd O_O
whoz this guy commenting as posse >=O
haadha heenuvey posse hen >=O
oh and btw..aalii x] x]x i luuurrve u x] x]
risala.. yah i will be adding u.. dunt worry.. hehe... and ol vaa gadieh vaki ehen bunaakah neynge..a nd these days are quiet bx..
muuthi.. i luv u too... muwahahaha
happy friendship day ...=p
lilly akee hama lilly :p
hehehe ;]
nice post...
lillyyy akeee.....umm...i have no idea...O_O
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