
ive been tryin to think of a post for the 2 days..
ekamu cudnt get anything into my head..
and mirey suddenly dad dhakkan feshunu vaahaka akun thot of this..
aslu it started like..
dad says aali dhuvahakah vure dhuvaheh hikenee O..
nukaathee O and stuph..
but how do i make him understand tht do eat..
hama regularly..
and hama v gadhayah..
dhen neynge dho..
dhen eki meehun kiyanee eki echehi..
sum frnds say tht fala vanee O..
but most ppl say hikenee O.
and mom says neynge O.. fala eh nuveyO...
alhe hiy hama jassaalan ves falaye bunaanama ennu...
dhen ekamu ebunaahaa hihkeh ves noon kanneynge..
dhen heyo..
this has become a post sumhow..
me gotta rush off...
buh bye
~~hugxx and kisses~~
1. Different font colour range...like it
2. aaan hama hiki (anhen kudin ehaa hiki veema hmm hmm)
heheh...ok ennu mivaru..
TF TF TF TF :P cheers
cheers dho.. haha
dhen ehaa hiki eh nooney.. =P
aslu aali thihuryma emme ok varuga...XD ur great hama......... varah loabi...XD
it doesn't actually matter
as long as you are happy with yourself
don't listen to others!
hehe thnx azlea..
and mini.. yah thnx... ur right.. hehe
happens with me tooo... Aali ehaa hikkeh noonennu...
Varah Falah ingey( mIharu hiy hama jehije tha)=P
happy hols... =)
i will just laugh!! x]
hmm hmm
aslu vaa gothaky aali hikivyma ey hmm hmm vany
nd dont worie aali
innaane meehaku vaane hiki vias =p
hehe.. thnkiooooooo shaha..
muuthi.. thnx for the laugh..
and muthu...ingeye aali ah innaane meehun vaane kan..
dhuniye mathin meehun hus v kee noon viyya..
meehun huss vaa vaahaka eh nooney
hikey vaahaka ey =p
ekimeehunnah fennaneee eki gothah dho?? baeh meehunnah falavefa anehbai meehunnah hikee dho?? lol
lyk mini said it doesnt matter if ur happy with ur self... :)
hhe yah.. eki meehunah eki varah fennanyaa it wud be fun dho.. keke..
hey guys
hey lilly plzzzzzzzz put a birthday girl on noveber 22 picture itx my birthday wishme a happy birthday guys
this is sort of cutie...
ey aali!!! varah salhi biteh ingey mi post ga=p
this doesnt look bad..
any one wish me a happy birthday any one
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