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oki.. soo long time ive been away from bloggin eh??
juss tried to get along wid ma life..
soo.. days pass by..
so many thingss happeninggg...
and maybe so many things goin to happen..
annd aanndd.d..
tuday wazzzz fuuurrrnnn..
hendhunu hendhunaa went to the park wid muuthi and her cousins..
it was awesomee....
annndddd dhen went for a walk..
annddd had breakfast and went to moodhu again.. with muuthi muthu and ma lil bro..
haha it was weaalli wealli fuuurrrnn..
annnddd tomm is scul dayyy..
annnddd i am goin to go and slypp..
tomm is gonna be one tiring day again..
soo gotta rest..
and buh bye
~~hugxx and kisses~~
im hereeee.. tantadaaaazzz...hehe.. i juss misd the blog.. soo thot of posting again...hmm.. soo the day hav been kinda oki doki..first it was boooring.. dhen everyone decided to go to male'..for different purposes..and i had a leg pain..andd i didnt even want to go to male'soooo i begged mommy to leave me and goo.. but she didnt want to leave me alone here at home..dhen muuthi came to the rescuee..and called me over to her house..dhen naseebakun mom let me stay at muuthis...and and annnddd..reethi vegen went to muuthi men placee..and went to hingaalan..annndddd aee bck to my place wid coke and sum junk food..annnnddd... kaigen... hw hedhee..and muuthi dhiya irah mommyy men came bckk..annnndd dhen comp kairy indhe indhefa tv balaafa.. anehkaa comp kairy indhefa.. post kuranee mi...and now mi visnanee mi post ves nimmaalaafa dhaan.. hehe
(ps. i love the pic)
soo kutx byebyemaadhanskwl day.. and its almost 11.soo i realli have to leave now...soo.. tc kutxx~~hugxx and kisses~~
a post.. afta sum timee...soo here i am again... hehethese dhethin dhuvas i juss didnt get any idea of a post as usuall.. keke..and these days are goin by soo slow... and i hate it...dhen miadhu sis ge kokko akaa ekkoh went to hingaalaningxx..and roamed around hulhumale'and had coke.. and had fuuurrrnnn..and this pic was taken ferry terminal kairiah gossa..(ps. phne in nagaafa ineema ehaa nusaafu vefa..)but i liked the shot.. dhen konme akas... dhuvas gandeh kohlaafa beyrah nikumevuneema v salhi than than fenunu.places were different..and more biooootifull..dhen konme akas... migadi ah nimmaalaafa...dhen cya sum other gone.. kutx...bye bye~~hugxx and kisses~~
i juss realixed im in grade 10...sis bunaa hen miee gaanaa aharu.. dhen jeheynee hama geynen..keke..dhen konme akas... scul ge x tra class thah fehttijje... annndddd sunday is my bxiest day.. soomiadhu was realll reall varubali...tiution ah male' dhiun is so tiring asluves.. ekamu fun... and everything i gain is worth the hard work...after all hardwork leads to succes...dhen cmp kairy isheendhevuneema hithah ery blog ah ves post eh kohllaaanee ey..sooo dhen hama endhah araa irah flat...and maadhan anekkaa ves scul day.. more and more xtra classes awaitss.....dhen mirey hama dhaan midhanee.. maa las vaathee..sooo gudnight peepleeezzz..mwahx to all..~~hugxx and kisses~~
this post is specially for muuthi...
juss to say get well soon to muuthi..
muuthishuu.... tell tht fever thingy to stop playing hide and seek..
and stop disturbing u as well..
tuday is kinda boring at home..
went to muuthi men place which wasnt booring..
dhen aneh hen geyga v foohi..
ekamu interview went kwl... it was all oki doki..
and and annndddd...
this week went soo sloww..
ekamu scul days maa slow veema ves foohi... dhen neynge...
mihen ulhey iru sumtimes get speechless in the blog...
once again muuthiii get well sooonn....
dhen ehenveema migadiah nimmaalaanan...
soo kutxx..
buh bye
tc cya mwahx.
~~hugxx and kisses~~
oki.. soo have been to scul for almost a week..
but after the scul opened, days are goin sooo slow tht sumtimes i even get bored at home...maybe because ive removed the midnight chtin part from the schedule.. =p =p
as this is our last year in the ordinary level....
v are the so called "bodethi kudhin" of the scul... (well.. i still cnt believe it.. =] =] )
i cud imagine wen v were younger v used to point at the bigger students and say tht they r the bodethi kudhin..
and now its funny to think tht there will be lil kids (this doesnt mean im not a kid anymore.. =p =p) who wud do the same to us jus like the way we did...
also at the instant v are havin a realli realli bigg excitement at scul..
the election and selection of scul posts and house posts...
there are a lotta students who are applying for different posts...
and everyone is hoping for success surely...
wish all the peepz gud luck...
and hope for the best..
*fingers crossed* im hoping for the best too... XD
and briefly everything abt scul.. atleast our grade is goin on well upto now...
so far so well..
and now i knoa y v didnt have much of gud teachers in grade 9..
(they kept them safe for the grade 10's)
hehe.. nyways all teachers teachin for me right now is oh k....
now this post is becoming a bit too long..
and i think ive told u a lott abt scul within juss abt a week..
sooo.... let me end it from here...
hurihaa kudhin ves rangalhah kiyavaathi..
and gud luck to everyone who applied for different posts again..XD
now buh bye
tgc mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~

here are my books...
im ready for scul... absolutely..
wonder wats gonna happen tomm..
everyone will be meeting each other again..
but soo sadd everyones in different classes after being in the same class for 2 yrs..
will miss all the ppl who left our class and also wonder who r the new peepz wholl be cumin in..
also wonder who our class teacher will be..
yah yah.. i knoa this is the usual excitement everyone gets
when scul starts to reopen..
id like to thnk my mommyyyy..
for foiy thakuga gandu lavvaa dhinyma and all other stuph too..
well i really wanted to gandu lavvan.. but im sad tht i cnt..
id also thnx xef for makin the name tag for me... =] =]
and thnx to all otherx who helped get ready.. and for givin me all the hiyvaru as it is the last year here in ghazee schooll.. atlast.. HOPEFULLY... =] =]
guess thts enuff of a post for tunight...
dhen meege kurin inna haa las vandhen neendhe mihaa hisaabun mi post ves kurukohlaanan..
hope i have fun in scul..
hehe.. wish me luck guys. x] x]
buh bye tc cya mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
ive been juss thinkin abt a lot of things these days..
scul is gonna reopen..
and all ma frnds are bck from vacation..
except muuthi.. (and i miss her)
and one frnd o mine is not even returning..
she says shes gonna stay at her islandd....
and im gonna miss her...
in class..
anddd.. i dunno i juss think abt a lot more things..
and i wonder y..
and maybe im thinkin too much right now..
and and annnddd..
i think i shud not think too much...
i dunno wat else to say..
i wud luv to share this song wid u guyss...
this thing. ive into soo much.. and cnt get it outta ma head..
soo.. here's sumthing for u..
hope u guys enjoy..
buh bye for now...
cya later
~~hugxx and kisses~~
ok... this is a post specially for a kwl fwend alyff..(poochie)
well.. poochie.. uve been a gweat frnd..
and i thnk u for being a great frnd from the bottom of my heart.. =p =p
well guys.. these days im dhuru frm bloggin cox i dunt get ideas abt titles for posting.
i apologixe for tht..
and tunight i juss gt this title to specialize tunights post for poochie...
and now i'll juss finish off my postt...
Ps. the grafitti is drawn by poochie..
poochie.. i luurved the grafitti..
ok guys cya
tc ummiiieees...
gn buh byee..
~~hugxx and kisses~~