{{ѕсυІ αġαіи}}

here are my books...
im ready for scul... absolutely..
wonder wats gonna happen tomm..
everyone will be meeting each other again..
but soo sadd everyones in different classes after being in the same class for 2 yrs..
will miss all the ppl who left our class and also wonder who r the new peepz wholl be cumin in..
also wonder who our class teacher will be..
yah yah.. i knoa this is the usual excitement everyone gets
when scul starts to reopen..
id like to thnk my mommyyyy..
for foiy thakuga gandu lavvaa dhinyma and all other stuph too..
well i really wanted to gandu lavvan.. but im sad tht i cnt..
id also thnx xef for makin the name tag for me... =] =]
and thnx to all otherx who helped get ready.. and for givin me all the hiyvaru as it is the last year here in ghazee schooll.. atlast.. HOPEFULLY... =] =]
guess thts enuff of a post for tunight...
dhen meege kurin inna haa las vandhen neendhe mihaa hisaabun mi post ves kurukohlaanan..
hope i have fun in scul..
hehe.. wish me luck guys. x] x]
buh bye tc cya mwahx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
heh thankew
hmm then happy new accedemic year ey bunelan beynun vanee hama ekani..i hav said the rest on phone with u remeber..heh..
So try hard and hope u will make ur parents proud of u...
and nice books...kewl..cheeers aaali
i like your books :D
and trust me, being with the same people for three years have negative effects :P
oh and yeah, good luck ^.^
i luv ur books too...i miss school evn..dhen bas ahaigen kiyavaathi ingeyy...goodluck XD
@ xef: thnk u thnk u... aan dhen howll i forget those things u said.. =p =p evarah naseyhaiy laadhin viyya.. nyways thnx..
@mini: yah mini ur right.. maybe thts the effect i got last termm.. hopefully this time ill be try my best.. thnks...
@silent: thnkioo shoo much silent.... hehe...
I agree with mini ;]
annnnd best of luck XD
have loads of fuuunn annnd study XD
thnkioo shoo much muuthishuuu... gud luck to u tooo...
work hard...
I will pretend i didnt see that XD
hey cool books u have there lilly its soooooooo cute wish i also have put sumthing lyhke that but i have better ideas well i will show that in second term cause risa 1term fotuhga gadu nulaiva huryma keke
goodluck lilly... n ur books are nyc...like it :)
@ cuterisa: thnk u gurll.. and gud luckk...
@ anejelica: thnx gurlll....
I love your books, =D
and good luck, have happy days...
your books are like .. WOW... varah slhi igney .. creative much.. =]..... hope you have a great academic + new year with sprinkle of happinesss ...dropss.. of joy.. ocean of fun.. n a universe full of courage to face those usgands n adeegandus.. heheh little over board eh,,,.. good luck princess
kewl books! :D
hehe i think no there children or people made there books this much preety i mean is lillys books are best of all her books are better than mine ofcoure even though i have othee ideas keke good job lily
COooooOOl... heh and how did it go? the schoooool? i miss the days wen i used to tell ma mammma 5 min nidhaalann dheeba.. miss those days :] cheers and good luckk :]
really nice dear..loved the book which u had the star :P
@necrophagus: hehe its goin ok.. so far so good. hehe. yah..i cud understand how much u cud miss the scul wen its over.. hehe..
@ shootingstar: hehe i luurved it a lot too.. hehe i got the idea cox i wanted tht pic to be on my book so badly.. hehe
very creative. and I guess it too lots of work .Hope u work as hard at studies.g luck
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