{{4 poochie}}

well.. poochie.. uve been a gweat frnd..
and i thnk u for being a great frnd from the bottom of my heart.. =p =p
well guys.. these days im dhuru frm bloggin cox i dunt get ideas abt titles for posting.
i apologixe for tht..
and tunight i juss gt this title to specialize tunights post for poochie...
and now i'll juss finish off my postt...
Ps. the grafitti is drawn by poochie..
poochie.. i luurved the grafitti..
ok guys cya
tc ummiiieees...
gn buh byee..
~~hugxx and kisses~~
awe..hehe i luv the pic...poochiee n dimples...reminds me of joey....the series..hehe
hehe yeah.. the graffiti is awesome!
Hehe Leafiii dhow ^^
goo leafiii XD varah loabi ingei graffiti XD
Varah loabi graffiti... =D
And poochie is such a cute name.. U guys have weali cute names, like lilly, Muuthi.. =D
thnkiooos everybodyyy...
Hehe thankew shaha!
annnd lilly gandu callled leafii poochie when it was my nick :[ ekamu i still love u :D :P
poochie hmmm it is a cute name and well the prob is i never hear a cute nick name lyke htat but this i wanna nice nick name to self to i think i shuld aske me coxin and my best frnds......
i gess i always have spelling mistakes sorry about the spelling mistakes i wrote ....
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