
im hereeee.. tantadaaaazzz...
i juss misd the blog.. soo thot of posting again...
hmm.. soo the day hav been kinda oki doki..
first it was boooring..
dhen everyone decided to go to male'..
for different purposes..
and i had a leg pain..
andd i didnt even want to go to male'
soooo i begged mommy to leave me and goo..
but she didnt want to leave me alone here at home..
dhen muuthi came to the rescuee..
and called me over to her house..
dhen naseebakun mom let me stay at muuthis...
and and annnddd..
reethi vegen went to muuthi men placee..
and went to hingaalan..
annndddd aee bck to my place wid coke and sum junk food..
annnnddd... kaigen... hw hedhee..
and muuthi dhiya irah mommyy men came bckk..
annnndd dhen comp kairy indhe indhefa tv balaafa..
anehkaa comp kairy indhefa..
post kuranee mi...
and now mi visnanee mi post ves nimmaalaafa dhaan.. hehe
(ps. i love the pic)
soo kutx
maadhanskwl day.. and its almost 11.
soo i realli have to leave now...
soo.. tc kutxx
~~hugxx and kisses~~
good morning!
have a lovely skwl day...
wow it will be very exiting dont ya think hehe muuthi is a good rescue hehe yeah its preet bpring in male urgh wish i was in huumale
nice days ..
muuthi to da rescue dho?? :P:P
luv da pic :)
thnx all.. and anjell.. yah me too.. luurve the pic.... =D
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