Monday, December 28, 2009


hei hei!!

i have been so so sooo bored tuday..
this whole day...
it has been all so lonely.. boring and i dunno watt...
there is nothin i feel tht i cud occupy myself with...
which is the worst part of tudays boredom...

look at me now..
im in male' with family for vacation...
mom went out...
dad is in hulhumale'
both the lil boys asleep..
sis and bro in the room..
now im ALL alone in this reaaaliii reaaaalii huge sitting room...
which is extremely cold..

sitting here has made me think of sum stuph
no matter how much fun yesterday was....
there is nothing like tht tuday..
and tomorrow will again be a whole new day..
u cannot imagine what kind of situations u will have to face wen u open ur eyes the next day..
this is how life is...
no matter how much you plan..
that happens is what has been written in fate a long way back..

[pic from sumwhere out of my tumblr...]
ei ei ei! mom is bck..
now i gtg..
cya all ltr..
tc.. kutx
~~hugxx and kisses~~


  1. Anonymous said...

    it seems life is quite boring the last few days, eh?
    anyhow, how was new year? Happy new year btw, keep rocking.. xD